Book resources! Some of the best resources are in books. You can find most of them on your favorite bookstore site. This list is by no means exhaustive. I have only included books I have personally seen and recommend or books that have been highly recommended by other collectors. *1001 Salt & Pepper Shakers, by Larry Carey and Sylvia Tompkins. This book focuses on Black Americana, Cat Characters, Niagra Falls, and Mermaids. *1002 Salt & Pepper Shakers, by Larry Carey and Sylvia Tompkins. This book focuses on nodders, Fitz & Floyd, and Parkcraft. *1003 Salt & Pepper Shakers, by Larry Carey and Sylvia Tompkins. This book focuses on Disney, Hanna-Barbera, Warner Brothers, Walter Lantz, foreign characters, entertainment characters, mascots, and symbols. *1004 Salt & Pepper Shakers, by Larry Carey and Sylvia Tompkins. This book focuses on nursery-ryme and literary characters. *1005 Salt & Pepper Shakers, by Larry Carey and Sylvia Tompkins. This book focuses on miniatures and famous people. *1006 Salt & Pepper Shakers, by Larry Carey and Sylvia Tompkins. This book focuses on advertisements. *America's Salt & Pepper Shakers, by Irene Thronberg and Sylvia Tompkins. This book profiles various manufacturers from the US. *The Big Book of Salt & Pepper Shaker Series, by Irene Thornberg. This book is focuses on collecting series of shakers. *Ceramic Arts Studio Identification and Price Guide, by Mike Schneider. This book covers almost everything made by Ceramic Arts Studio. *Collecting Salt & Pepper Shaker Series, by Irene Thornberg. This book covers a variety of shaker series. *The Collector's Encyclopedia of Salt and Pepper Shakers: Figural and Novelty, by Melva Davern. There are actually two series of this book. This book covers a variety of figual and novelty shakers. *The Complete Salt and Pepper Shaker Book, by Mike Schneider. This book is a very good book for beginners. It covers a variety of manufacturers and types of shakers. *Salt and Pepper Shakers, by Helene Guarnaccia. This book has several volumes (I-IV). See what other collectors have! This is a list of links to other people's collections. Take a look. See what others collect (and you need)! If you find a good link not listed here, email it to me! Dana's S&P pages Fuller's HomePage GoMom's Collection Ilo's Salt and Pepper Shakers Jean's Salt and Pepper Page John Walker's Shakers Kat's Home Page MsLibra's pages Salt and Pepper Museum Shakerlady's Salt and Pepper Shaker Page Sophie Murin's Collection Tracy's Page We are Totally Potty! |  |